Be the Warrior Challenge

Be the Warrior Challenge

By Master Colleen Inman


Tapah. svadhyāya. īśvara praṇidhāna. Kriyāyogaḥ.

Be willing to put in the fierce, fiery effort of Tapasya for Tejas (illuminated transformation) is Tapah. 

Svadhvaya - be willing to look at one's self with a kind yet discerning eye. Discard that which is not intentional in your space. 80% of your thoughts, beliefs, and habits are not yours. They are Vasana’s (impressions) left on you by others. In a world where you can be anything, be a false belief buster. BUT not to others, unless directly asked. Then and only then, may you do it without force and with the utmost care. Both care that you gently open yourself and others, and not split apart. When interacting with others, be mindful not to disturb their karma—self-study to master the mind and see life on multi-dimensions.

Isvara Pranidhana. Do your best and leave the rest to the will of the divine. There is a native tribe that does not have a word for ‘I’m sorry’ They believe that everyone is living their best truth. If you are doing this, then that is sufficient. It has become increasingly clear of what we actually have control over, and just how much we are called to surrender to a process bigger than the individual.

Be the Warrior Challenge.

Not everyone is the kind of warrior that goes out to the external world and fights others. For this purpose, become the warrior of your inner world. This warrior is an internal spelunker going deep into one's self to remove impurities of body, mind, and prana. 

Be the warrior who remains clear of mind and pinpoint focus amongst the inevitable ebbs and tides of the material world. Be the warrior who fiercely holds to remember they are the atma - the indivisible and eternal self. Be the warrior who walks past the ignorances of others standing only to defend innocence and not ego. Relinquish desires to force others and your way. Design your reality to flow with nature and universal current. 

Slowly, oh so slowly in-act small upgrades to your life’s methods. 

In a world where it is all too easy to dwell in the fruitless struggles of fear, worry, power, sex, and material, exist as a beacon of light that others may see as an example that they too have the free will to choose which side of the line to stand on. 

Hate comes easily, and for the lesser mind. Holding loving space takes high will power and discipline until your vessel fills with understanding, and unconditional love flows generously. Build the strength and resolve by starting with the physical layer of self and discover the inner layers. 

Be the Warrior. Take the Challenge. 

Thirty days of Warrior I (Virabhadrasana) Day One starts with a 10 second Warrior 1 and then increasing 10 seconds every day. 

While you are in the posture, hold a Drishti or focused gaze on training a fixed point to aid in the mind steady, as it is complicated, subtle, and elusive to manage. Bring your awareness to your breath by both listening to it, how it feels passing through the nostrils, and work to smooth out the stream. Physically balance the posture by actively drawing the muscles and tissues on to the bones, while extending outward and softening the edges.

   Day 1: 10 seconds

  Day 2: 20 seconds

  Day 3: 30 seconds

  Day 4: 40 seconds

  Day 5: 50 seconds


  Day 6: 1 minute! (60 seconds)

  Day 7: 70 seconds

  Day 8: 80 seconds

  Day 9: 90 seconds

  Day 10: 100 seconds


  Day 11: 110 seconds

  Day 12: 2 minutes! (120 seconds)

  Day 13: 130 seconds

  Day 14: 140 seconds

  Day 15: 150 seconds


  Day 16: 160 seconds

  Day 17: 170 seconds

  Day 18: 3 minutes! (180 seconds)

  Day 19: 190 seconds

  Day 20: 200 seconds


  Day 21: 210 seconds

  Day 22: 220 seconds

  Day 23: 230 seconds

  Day 24: 4 minutes! (240 seconds)

  Day 25: 250 seconds


  Day 26: 260 seconds

  Day 27: 270 seconds

  Day 28: 280 seconds

  Day 29: 290 seconds

  Day 30: 5 minutes! (300 seconds)



Colleen Inman