'Y'inner Space

'Y'inner Space

The winter solstice is a personally noteworthy season for me as it holds solar returns for myself and my youngest and Western holiday festivities. Maybe it is because we naturally reflect on our lives with each journey around the sun, or could it be that the winter solstices marks a unique time of complete yin turning to yang? A moment symbolic of traveling deep enough within our inner space (yin) to find our light (yang).

During this winter solstice week, I share one of my favorite meditations to align with the season. Start by taking a comfortable seat in a quiet, cozy, and softly lit area. With a tall spine, zipping tight pants, and frontal chest opening like an upward and outward fountain. Gently release the chin down to extend the cervical spine. Maintain buoyancy at the crown of the head. Then settle your awareness either at the heart center or between the brows.

Begin to draw away from your life's story, the happenings of your family and community. Zoom out from the goings-on within the borders of your town, city, county, and state. Past the edges of all states, the country's walls, and all nations. Beyond the boundaries of our planet and past all planets and stars. You are resting your awareness beyond the cosmos. Seeing the grand rhythm, more significant timeline, and universe intelligence keep steady time and space as they move.

Remain and continually return to the more extraordinary cosmic view, contemplating the self which resides within the smaller moments while simultaneously existing throughout all universal time. In this way, we maintain our 'y'inner space while living the details of daily life.


Colleen Inman

Master Teacher

Colleen Inman